La Prière ! la réponse de l’Eglise contre le Covid-19 !

Nous vous remercions de vos prières pour l’ensemble des enfants, du personnel, des Pasteurs et églises des Ministères La Parole Eternelle en Inde et au Népal. Tout le monde va bien et nous remercions le Seigneur pour Sa divine protection. Nous prions aussi pour vous et vos familles en ces temps de confinement. Soyons prudents et restons vigilants dans la prière. Unis ensemble dans la Foi !

La prière fervente du Juste a une grande efficacité !
Publicité du Ministère de la Santé pour inciter la population à se laver les mains.
Une équipe du Ministère de la Santé est venue pour faire de la prévention et informer sur les principes de précaution contre la propagation du virus.

Praying together against the Covid-19

We value your continued prayers for everyone at EWM, children, Staff, Pastors, Churches and all the Beneficiaries. People are confined and compelled by the Indian Authorities to stay home until April 14. Everyone is doing well at EWM. We praise the Lord for His divine protection over us. We are also praying for you and your families. United in Faith!

Disease Prevention advertisement
Official from the Health Care Department came to one of our children’s home to show how to wash hands to prevent the spread of the virus.
Praying for all EWM Friends and Partners and for the nations of the world.


The repairing work of the compound wall is achieved at Pudukkottai children’s home!

We thank our dear Friends and Partners who helped us generously to rebuild the compound wall that was destroyed last year during the cyclonic storm. We still have to finalize certain works in some remaining areas that were damaged and we believe it will be achieved by the end of this year.

Once a week, the children are practicing sporting activities like baseball, badminton, cricket etc. Now, we bought a tennis table. The children are so pleased with this new activity and they are learning very quickly how to play this new game. During their spare time, the children are playing tennis table or carom, a very popular Indian game.

Every month, we gather the children born in the same month to have a collective birthday party. During that exciting time, we offer birthday cakes, candies and small gifts. The children love it!