The recent earthquake that hit Nepal on April 25 brought lots of damages and many lives were lost. Thousands of people became homeless and a large number of children end up orphans after this great disaster. Our team split in different locations in the mountains to make a survey of the situation and evaluate the needs so we can provide an effective assistance to the victims of the earthquake.

At EWM children’s home, life gets smoothly organized. The children don’t go to school at the moment. We have established a daily routine to keep the children busy. Every evening, after a warm meal, the children pray together for the victims of the earthquake and for EWM partners. They sleep under the tent that we set up in the garden. Despite these conditions, the smiles of the children bring joy to us.

We value your prayers for EWM Nepal Relief Operation Team and for Nepal.


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About JohnR

John Rajiah is a founder and president of ETERNAL WORD MINISTRIES which is reaching out and touching thousands of people across Asia with the precious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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